Tales From the Dressing Table – The March of Time – Skin Care

Tales From the Dressing Table –  The March of Time – Skin Care



Well dear Reader, the one thing that is certain in life we are all getting older with each day that passes!  I am a great planner and apply logic to most situations to find a solution to circumstances whenever possible.  So if skin is aging daily – it makes perfect sense to look after it – daily!


Welcome to this post which is the fourth one in my Series Tales from the Dressing Table.  The title for this post came to me in a light bulb moment as I pondered on why skin care matters so much to me.  The routine I follow is interwoven into my days and provides a major part of the framework that shapes every day.  I do not fear the march of time because I take care of myself and try to make the most of what I have at each stage of life.  It is my belief that women become more fascinating as they age.


May I ask do you have a skin care routine?  If you do, it would be lovely to chat in the comments.  If this is something you have yet to work out, please feel free to get in touch any time and I would love to help in any way – I urge you to start, now.


I should say I work to a budget with my skin care and believe that the discipline of following the routine that you settle on is as important as the products you like to use. 


If I want to find out about something I will search the internet but also I will get a book, read it and take from it the useful bits and apply them.  I have done this with reading beauty books and am always learning and finding out different information about skin care specifically.


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This book published in 1994, has been my “skin care go to” ever since finding it in a charity shop about 15 years ago.  There are recipes for home made skin creams and wonderful advice about looking after your skin and how to keep it smooth.  I am continuously dipping into it and using the helpful tips.  I started mixing my own variations on my skin creams and hand creams by mixing them 50% skin cream and 50% Vaseline because of this book.

Mixing a night cream this way gives a heavier cream for the top lip and dry skin patches or all over for extra moisturising in the nights before a special event.



This book published in 2008 was a Christmas present to myself that year.  Twiggy is world famous and looks wonderful as she is getting older.  It is a good read and for me the advice I heeded most was about the need to moisturise more as skin gets older.




Again a book that is not new – it was published in 2002 – but a great read and Chapter One especially is informative and full of great tips.  Kathleen Baird-Murray is a beauty editor so she really knows what she is writing about!

Please check my Books page for some of my favourite beauty books that have shaped the regime I use currently.


The thing that prompted this post was actually the photographs in the post on vintage hair.  I noticed that my skin looked better now than in some of the earlier photographs which did not really surprise me.  Latterly I have tweaked my skin care routine and the changes have brought better overall moisturising and texture to the skin on my face, neck and décolleté.





2007 - Copy



2009 - Copy












Changes to my skin care routine are often prompted by a special occasion that I want to look my best for.  The most profound change came because of my granddaughters wedding in 2013.  This is when I started to use Almond Oil as a morning cleanser.  I also introduced a heavier night cream for my top lip and the skin around my mouth.

So what is my skin care routine?


Here it is –





I use almond oil generously all over my face neck and décolleté.  Creating a good “slip” I massage my face daily for a few minutes.  I then rinse it off with a clean face flannel 3 times so that the skin feels clean and soft and free of oil and night cream.  I put my hair in a shower cap so it is held back but not squashed and keep the shower cap on until my makeup is complete.

I have been doing this daily since 2013 and believe it is one of the reasons why my skin looks more smooth and moisturised now.  In my early 50’s I did not do this – I would use a foaming face wash in the morning.


  1. Eye cream – I use L’Oreal Age Perfect
  2. Serum – I like Boots No. 7 Lift and Illuminate triple action serum
  3. Day skin cream L’Oreal Age perfect Day with SPF 15
  4. Primer – to prepare for makeup -L’Oreal Lumi Magique




  1. Remove eye makeup – Simple Eye make up Remover
  2. Remove make up with homemade skin lotion cleanser
  3. Refresh skin with 50% witch hazel and 50% cooled boiled water
  4. Apply Eye cream
  5. Apply Night cream
  6. Apply heavier cream to top lip
  7. Apply hand cream 50% Atrixo and 50% Vaseline


My homemade skin Cleanser is very easy to make 500ml:

  • mix equal parts pink and white baby lotion to get a soft pink mixture
  • add rosewater and glycerine to thin the mixture so it will work in a pump bottle
  • Add extra glycerine 1 – 2 tbs (or more as desired) to increase the moisturising effect.

By experimenting with the amount of glycerine added it is possible to get a mixture that removes make up when applied on a cotton wool pad and leaves the skin feeling soft.  I have used the witch hazel mixture for years.  It is not expensive to make.

I am working hard to keep the vertical lines around the mouth at bay.  These can be reduced with heavier moisturiser used at night.  For this I blend 50% night cream with 50% Vaseline and apply it to my top lip.  I have been doing this since turning 50 years old.  I have used eye cream in the morning all through my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s and 50’s.  In this 60th decade I am using it at night too and seeing a difference in the way my make up goes on in the morning.




For skin problems I turn to Bepanthen which is a nappy cream!


After reading in Harper’s Bazaar that Helena Christensen had been advised by a dermatologist to apply it to dry skin on her face I decided to give it a try.  It works for me dear Reader and seems to sort out small spots and red patches overnight very well!

I have followed the basic cleanse, tone and moisturise skin care routine since I was a teenager.  during my 30’s I chose lighter moisturisers and after 40 years old used heavier ones.  Using products for mature skin ahead of time have helped my skin to stay smoother.  It is important to try out creams and assess the results.  Drinking water daily has helped me – I aim for 2 -3 litres a day.



I will end this post with a quote from Kathleen Baird-Murray:


 Drink lots of water.  Get lots of sleep.  Try to be happy.  Cleanse.  Moisturise.  And try not to worry too much about getting old.  It happens to us all.”



Thank you for joining me on Gloriously Vintage!  A big thank you to Glenn for taking the photographs.



About Gloriously Vintage

My name is Elizabeth. I am so thrilled to be learning how to write a blog about my adventures collecting vintage treasures. This new adventure is to mark my 60th Birthday this February in 2016 and to start this decade with something new. I have been collecting Powder compacts, 1950's costume jewellery, vintage handbags, silk scarves, vintage umbrellas and hats for over five years now. I try to wear and use as much of my collections as possible. This has added great enjoyment to my life! As a child my "best game " was always dressing up. I kept all my dressing up clothes in a large wooden banded trunk in the spare bedroom -the third bedroom. Creating outfits and characters, wearing jewellery always with a handbag and a powder compact I would play on my own for hours. Most of my treasures then came from jumble sales and bric a brac shops browsed with my parents on holiday. Life has a way of coming round full circle. In my fifties I found increasing joy in being able to just be myself and adopt the hairstyle I wanted and the vintage look that suited me. I source all my "top clothes" from Oxfam on line and charity shops Mixing new tops, shoes and sometimes handbags with my vintage accessories has given me a signature style that is unique. I have always tried to be an individual and not follow the crowd. I find most of my collections at vintage fairs, charity shops and going to Antiques for Everyone at the NEC has been a marvellous time for hunting out treasures and learning more about the things that have sparked real passion for me.

12 responses »

  1. Eva Maria Sanz Herrero

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Sadly I have to be very careful when I choose creams for my face.
    I have very dry and sensitive Skin and I am allergic to some chemical components used in creams, make ups, etc.

    For example, I always used Nivea for my body but suddenlty when I turned 28 I began to get allergic reactions to it. I tried other creams, including those that say “for sensitive Skin” and it did not work.
    When I was living in Ireland I found the best one was No.7 from Boots and I began to use it. It was great!
    When I moved to Luxembourg and later to Germany it was difficult for me to get No.7 and I had to look for another cream. I found some creams at… Aldi! and so far they are working for me (Body Lotion, day and night cream).

    I do not use make up as I am allergic to it (I´ve always been) and I also suffer from rosacea 😦
    I already have an appointment with a dermatologist doctor to see what can be done about my rosacea (inherited from my mother).

    One thing that I deeply regret is not having used sunscreen creams when I was a teenager and in my early 20´s when I was living in Spain. You pay the price, and believe me, it´s a high Price!

    Now I take care of my skin, although I admit I keep forgeting sunscreen cream from time to time.

    Ah! thank´s very much for the tip about Bepanthen as I have red spots from time to time due to hormonal changes 🙂

    Have a wonderful beginning of September and Thanks for this wonderful and inspiring post,

    Eva (from Luxembourg/Germany)


    • Dear Eva, thank you for your comment on this post. I have heard that Aldi creams are very good. I am so glad you found a cream that suits you. it is not easy managing sensitive skin. When I have difficulty remembering hand cream for example I put a little into travel pots around the house and in the car so it is there to remind me! It is a mystery why we can become allergic to something previously ok. this has happened to me with deodorant and some creams too. Eva, the most important thing is your skin routine now and that investment in yourself – ensuring you will look lovely years ahead! I hope September is a great month for you. Best wishes, Elizabeth xx


  2. Dear Elizabeth, Thank you for sharing your skin care routine. I drink a lot of water too. I eat a low-carb diet. I also try to avoid sugar and dairy which causes inflammation that causes bloating and wrinkles. My mother always made me wear sunscreen every day all year round like she does. I didn’t appreciate it at the time… but now I do! 🙂 Anytime I pick up a beauty book sunscreen is always mentioned. I use coconut oil to remove my make-up. Of course, I rarely drink alcohol and don’t smoke either. Both are very aging. Your routine certainly agrees with you because you look so lovely 🙂

    Best wishes,


    • Dear Dee , thank you so much for your comment. It is great to hear about your beauty routine. Drinking water is not always easy to do or to remember, but does do so much for the complexion.Your healthy diet and lifestyle will bring enormous benefits further down the line! I have not tried coconut oil yet. There are a lot of good articles about it. Keeping out of the sun and wearing sunscreen is so important. Your mother was so wise. Best wishes, Elizabeth xx


  3. Hi! Loved reading this, Where do you get your almond oil? Is it straight, or is it mixed in with a base oil (I know that some essential oils should not be used without a base oil). I have fortunately inherited my grandmother’s good skin, but at 52 it’s time I started paying more attention! 😀


    • Dear Carol, how lovely to find your comment on this post. I use straight almond oil. You can buy it at the chemist in very small bottles. Do PM me on my Gloriously Vintage FB page and I will send you details of my supplier.
      It is never too late to start tweaking your skin care routine and seeing if the small changes are adding to your natural glow. A good complexion is a real blessing!
      best wishes, Elizabeth xx


  4. What a delightful -and splendidly informative – post, dear Elizabeth. I’d welcome the chance to read any of those books, Twiggy’s very much included. I agree with you that she looks amazing still. Thank you for highlighting those titles, as well as share a good deal about your own current beauty routine.

    Having very dry and super sensitive skin, I take a very lowkey approach to my beauty routine. I use gentle cleansers and soaps (both dye and scent free), very gentle handmade or store bought scrubs to exfoliate with, oodles of moisturize and lip balm, gentle makeup removers and little else (though do always use a powerful sunscreen when out in heat, as I burn faster than a piece of toast :)). Definitely a less is more approach to keep my skin as happy and health as possible.

    Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
    ♥ Jessica


    • Dear Jessica, Thank you for your comment on this post. I am glad you found it interesting. Having sensitive skin must mean you choose products very carefully. Do you have a great recipe for a homemade scrub? I have not used them on my face but do combine sugar and mild liquid soap to make a hand scrub which has been helpful.
      I so agree about sunscreen and your consistent use now will pay you back in the long term! Thank you for sharing your beauty routine.
      Best wishes, Elizabeth xx


  5. I’m 38 and working hard to keep wrinkles at bay this was a great post. I am religious about sunscreen.


  6. This was a great post. I’m 38 and trying to take good care of my skin, I didn’t in my 20s. I sometimes worry I’ll look a bit silly in my vintage as I age. Particularly as I go for mire kitschy prints rather then classic styles. I love the blog advanced stake as those ladies are very wild in their dress. I think your skin looks great

    Retro rover


    • Dear Kate, thank you for your comment, I am so glad you enjoyed this post. Everything you are doing to care for your skin will repay you later. I think wearing vintage is an expression of individuality and is to be celebrated at every age. Best wishes, Elizabeth xx



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